About the song

In life, we are often faced with situations where we must make decisions that are not always clear-cut. We are constantly bombarded with the idea that things must be either wrong or right, black or white, with no room for ambiguity. But the reality is that life is not always so simple.

Why does it have to be wrong or right? This question is one that many people grapple with on a daily basis. We are taught from a young age that there is a clear distinction between right and wrong, and that we must always choose the right path. But what if the right path is not always clear? What if there are shades of grey that make it difficult to determine what is truly right or wrong?

The truth is, life is full of complexities and nuances that make it impossible to always make the “right” decision. Sometimes, we must make choices that are not necessarily right or wrong, but rather a matter of perspective. What may be right for one person may be wrong for another, and vice versa.

It is important to remember that it is okay to make mistakes and to not always have all the answers. Life is a journey of growth and learning, and sometimes we must make decisions that may not be clear-cut. Instead of focusing on whether something is right or wrong, we should focus on the intent behind our actions and the impact they have on ourselves and others.

So, the next time you find yourself struggling to determine whether something is wrong or right, remember that life is not always black and white. Embrace the shades of grey and allow yourself the freedom to make decisions that may not always fall neatly into one category or the other. After all, it is our imperfections and complexities that make us human.




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